ACT welcomes the implementation of the regulation on cross-border portability

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BRUSSELS, 1 April 2018. The Association of Commercial Television in Europe (ACT) welcomes the implementation of the regulation on cross-border portability. In effect as of today, the regulation ensures that online content service subscribers in the Union, which are delivered on a portable basis, can receive these services when temporarily present in another Member State. This initiative is a welcome step forward as it is:

  1. supportive of an increasingly mobile European population within a growing and prosperous internal market for goods and services
  2. a balanced outcome that allows service providers to follow clear provisions on how “member state of residence” is verified so as to ensure portability is not abused
  3. based on strong authentication so as to ensure the sustainability of the audiovisual model and Europe’s world leading creative and cultural economy

With the new measure in place, Europe will have addressed the vast majority of the demand for cross-border access from its citizens. This in line with the commercial broadcasting community’s desire to work hand-in-hand with European legislators to deliver excellent content for European audiences, value for European content producers and future proof solutions for the European creative ecosystem.

ACT Members, MEPs Cavada, McClarkin, Maydell and Commission Vice-President Ansip come together

 to celebrate Portability launch in the European Parliament

Interview with MEP Jean-Marie Cavada, Commission Vice-President Andrus Ansip and ACT Director General Grégoire Polad

Portability Launch – Association of Commercial Television in Europe from ACT on Vimeo.

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The ACT represents the interests of leading commercial broadcasters in Europe. The ACT member companies finance, produce, promote and distribute content and services benefiting millions of Europeans across all platforms.  At ACT we believe that the healthy and sustainable commercial broadcasting sector has an important role to play in Europe’s economy, society and cultures.

For further enquiries please consult our website and/or contact Greg Polad, Director General, ACT –