Antena 3 and Observator awarded Silver Medal at New York festivals 2015
Antena 1’s main news bulletin (Observator) campaign called “The lost generation( “Generatia pierduta”) was awarded the silver medal in the Best “News Documentary/Special” section at the New York Festivals 2015.
The” Observator” program is produced by the Antena 3 journalistic team, which was also a nominee in the finale for “Turma lui Ceauşescu” (Ceausescu’s herd” – in the Docudrama category ) and “Cobaii lui Mengele” ( Mengele’s guinea pigs” – in the Best Editing category). Antena 1’s Observator had another nomination for “Viata fara sange. Doneaza rosu” ( Life without blood – donate red” – in the human interest category).
Two of Antena 3’s top journalists ( Mihai Gadea and Mircea Badea) were invited to hand out the awards in the “News & Sports” category, for the second year in a row.
The 2015 edition of the New York Festivals – World’s Best Tv&Film reunited TV productions from 159 countries, including household names such as CNN, ESPN and NBC.
It is the third consecutive award winning year for Antena 3 in this festival, which holds a sum of nine medals.
Antena 3 is the only Romanian TV station affiliated to CNN International and is part of INTACT Media Group.